Monday, April 23, 2007

Most Likely To...

With spring blossoming across the city, it's easy to see why Hamburg is the greenest city in Germany. In almost every neighborhood I venture into, large trees are sprouting leaves and public parks with fresh grass appear at seemingly every corner. In fact, 22 percent of the city is landscaped or offered as recreational space, making it no surprise that the Japanese have nicknamed Hamburg "the city with the green roof." It really is especially beautiful this time of year, as all the "green" makes its debut.

Aside from being the greenest city in Germany, I've come across some other superlatives for the hanseatic city of Hamburg (HH).

This is kind of an odd one to brag about, but Hamburg has the largest park cemetery in the world. My maternal grandparents and extended family members are buried at this 988-acre resting place (as a reference, Central Park is 843 acres).

London Bridges Falling Down
Although it's not readily apparent, I've known that Hamburg has more canals than Venice. But I didn't know that Hamburg boasts more bridges than Amsterdam, London, and Venice combined.

International City of Mystery
Hamburg is the world's second-largest consular city behind New York, with more than 90 consulates. Who knew?

Hot off the Press
And, this is a good one for my personal career interests -- Hamburg is the media capital of Germany, producing over half of all the newspapers and magazines sold in the country.

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