What's this? A desire to blog again? What is happening?! If all my readers haven't gone astray, there still might be hope. Otherwise, I'm posting an online "diary" for none other than moi. But I'll keep all the juicy details for myself. We are, afterall, on the world wide web.
So since January, a few things have happened, two of which I'd like to share. First, I got a new job. No more baking cakes and serving lattes; I've been working at a design agency since March. But then I got an even
better job; it doesn't start until September, but if all goes as planned it will be my first with the official title of
designer. Keep your fingers crossed or, as they say in Germany, your thumbs pressed. Second, I moved. Not too far away, don't worry. It's perfectly located for all things in my life -- family, school, work, gym, tennis, and Aldi. Aldi, by the way, is the discount supermarket with a candy aisle that will make any Giant or Harris Teeter hang its head in shame.
These developments are the silver lining of a particularly cloudy season. I think the sun is peaking its head around the corner. I wait with hope...or something like that.
I'm heading stateside in August and look forward to seeing many of you then. Please let me know if you will be in the DC area. Is Hotel Helix waiting for another part-ay or what?